The aim of this API is to develop a systematic analysis of the procedure involved in the reservation of ticket for air travel . The “AIRLINE RESERVATION SYSTEM” under takes as a project based on relevant technologies .The main aim of this project is to develop the software for the process of reserving airway ticket should lead to increased efficiency. The API is, error controlled both logically as well as in syntactic manner. The methods deal with the different operations involved in the process of AIRLINE RESERVATION.
All REST API calls will return JSON results.
Our API URL is:
Input: Collecting the information of the person who is going to travel via the API Requests
Output: The issue of ticket on the particular date specified by the traveller.
Error Codes | Description |
200 | Request Successful |
404 | Either user is not found or there is no such flight |
410 | Request timeout error |
In this API you will get prices from multiple airlines and vendors for a oneway route. You can pass any airport IATA code, future date, currency, and pax.
Your API requests are authenticated using API Credentials / Keys. Any request that doesn't include an API Credentials will return an error.
You can generate an API Credentials from your Dashboard at any time.
Here is the list of default parameters you have to use with this API:
Parameters | Description | Type |
api_keyrequired | This is your personal API key. You can find this on your Dashboard. | String |
departure_airport_coderequired | This is the IATA code of departure airport. | String |
arrival_airport_coderequired | This is the IATA code of arrival airport. | String |
departure_daterequired | Date of deparure Format - YYYY-MM-DD |
String |
number_of_adultsrequired | This is the number of adults. | String |
number_of_childrensrequired | This is the number of childrens. | String |
number_of_infantsrequired | This is the number of infants. | String |
cabin_classrequired |
This is the class of the seat in the plane. Possible Values- "Economy", "Business", "First" or "Premium_Economy" |
String |
currencyrequired | You can use any currency code like USD, INR, EUR, etc | String |
regionrequired | Check local prices of any country by passing the ISO code of that country. |
String |
You can follow the API schema to pass parameters.<api-key>/<departure_airport_code>/<arrival_airport_code>/<departure_date>/<number_of_adults>/<number_of_childrens>/<number_of_infants>/<cabin_class>/<currency>
You have to send a POST request to https:// along with all the parameters.
In the JSON response, you may observe that many objects include references (IDs or codes) to objects from other lists. This pattern is employed in our API to prevent redundant data and reduce the overall size by allowing multiple objects to reference the same data.
Field | Type | Description |
Status | Int | 0 for success, others for failure, refer to status error appendix for details |
contentResponse | Object array | Object array for content response |
routeTypes | Int | Data source type, 1 for FareMarket, 2 for TechHub |
Data | String | Session data |
depAirport | String | Departure airport IATA 3-Letter Codes |
depTerminal | String | Departure airport terminal |
depTime | String | Departure date and time, format: YYYYMMDDHHMM |
Fares | Object Array | Fare information |
ProductClass | String | product class code Y(Economy Class), W(Premium Class), C(Business Class), F(First Class) |
ADT | Object Array | fare for adults |
In this API you will get prices from multiple airlines and vendors for a oneway route. You can pass any airport IATA code, future date, currency, and pax.
Your API requests are authenticated using API Credentials / Keys. Any request that doesn't include an API Credentials will return an error.
You can generate an API Credentials from your Dashboard at any time.
Here is the list of default parameters you have to use with this API:
Parameters | Description | Type |
api_keyrequired | This is your personal API key. You can find this on your Dashboard. | String |
departure_airport_coderequired | This is the IATA code of departure airport. | String |
arrival_airport_coderequired | This is the IATA code of arrival airport. | String |
departure_daterequired | Date of deparure Format - YYYY-MM-DD |
String |
arrival_daterequired | Date of arrival Format - YYYY-MM-DD |
String |
number_of_adultsrequired | This is the number of adults. | String |
number_of_childrensrequired | This is the number of childrens. | String |
number_of_infantsrequired | This is the number of infants. | String |
cabin_classrequired |
This is the class of the seat in the plane. Possible Values- "Economy", "Business", "First" or "Premium_Economy" |
String |
currencyrequired | You can use any currency code like USD, INR, EUR, etc | String |
regionrequired | Check local prices of any country by passing the ISO code of that country. |
String |
You can follow the API schema to pass parameters.<api-key>/<departure_airport_code>/<arrival_airport_code>/<departure_date>/<arrival_date>/<number_of_adults>/<number_of_childrens>/<number_of_infants>/<cabin_class>/<currency>
You have to send a POST request to https:// along with all the parameters.
In the JSON response, you may observe that many objects include references (IDs or codes) to objects from other lists. This pattern is employed in our API to prevent redundant data and reduce the overall size by allowing multiple objects to reference the same data.
Field | Type | Description |
Status | Int | 0 for success, others for failure, refer to status error appendix for details |
contentResponse | Object array | Object array for content response |
routeTypes | Int | Data source type, 1 for FareMarket, 2 for TechHub |
Data | String | Session data |
depAirport | String | Departure airport IATA 3-Letter Codes |
depTerminal | String | Departure airport terminal |
depTime | String | Departure date and time, format: YYYYMMDDHHMM |
arrAirport | String | Arrival airport IATA 3-Letter Codes |
arrTerminal | String | Arrival airport terminal |
arrTime | String | Arrival date and time, format: YYYYMMDDHHMM |
Fares | Object Array | Fare information |
ProductClass | String | product class code Y(Economy Class), W(Premium Class), C(Business Class), F(First Class) |
ADT | Object Array | fare for adults |
In this API you will get prices from multiple airlines and vendors for a multi-city trip. You can pass any airport IATA code, future date, currency, and pax.
Your API requests are authenticated using API Credentials / Keys. Any request that doesn't include an API Credentials will return an error.
You can generate an API Credentials from your Dashboard at any time.
Here is the list of default parameters you have to use with this API:
Parameters | Description | Type |
api_keyrequired | This is your personal API key. You can find this on your Dashboard. | String |
numberofFlightsrequired | Number of Flights one wants to take. Minimum value is 2 and maximum value is 3. | String |
dep1required | This is the IATA code of first departure airport. | String |
arr1required | This is the IATA code of first arrival airport. | String |
date1required | Date of departure from the first airport. Format - YYYY-MM-DD |
String |
dep2required | This is the IATA code of the second departure airport. | String |
arr2required | This is the IATA code of the second arrival airport. | String |
date2required | Date of departure from the second airport. Format - YYYY-MM-DD |
String |
dep3required | This is the IATA code of the third departure airport. Use only when numberofFlights is 3. |
String |
arr3required | This is the IATA code of the third arrival airport. Use only when numberofFlights is 3. |
String |
date3required | Date of departure from the third airport. Use only when numberofFlights is 3. |
String |
number_of_adultsrequired | This is the number of adults. | String |
number_of_childrensrequired | This is the number of childrens. | String |
number_of_infantsrequired | This is the number of infants. | String |
cabin_classrequired |
This is the class of the seat in the plane. Possible Values- "Economy", "Business", "First" or "Premium_Economy" |
String |
currencyrequired | You can use any currency code like USD, INR, EUR, etc | String |
In the JSON response, you may observe that many objects include references (IDs or codes) to objects from other lists. This pattern is employed in our API to prevent redundant data and reduce the overall size by allowing multiple objects to reference the same data.
Field | Type | Description |
Status | Int | 0 for success, others for failure, refer to status error appendix for details |
contentResponse | Object array | Object array for content response |
routeTypes | Int | Data source type, 1 for FareMarket, 2 for TechHub |
Data | String | Session data |
depAirport | String | Departure airport IATA 3-Letter Codes |
depTerminal | String | Departure airport terminal |
depTime | String | Departure date and time, format: YYYYMMDDHHMM |
Fares | Object Array | Fare information |
ProductClass | String | product class code Y(Economy Class), W(Premium Class), C(Business Class), F(First Class) |
ADT | Object Array | fare for adults |
With this API you can generate airport and airline codes.
API endpoint for this API is:
Your API requests are authenticated using API keys. Any request that doesn't include an API key will return an error.
You can generate an API key from your Dashboard at any time.
Here is the list of default parameters you have to use with this API:
Parameters | Description | Type |
api_keyrequired | This is your personal API key. You can find this on your Dashboard. | String |
namerequired | This could be any string matching an airline or an airport. | String |
typerequired | type could be either an airline or airportrequired | String |